Autumn – A Time To Let Go And Move On

In traditional Chinese medicine, Autumn is linked to the metal element and corresponds to the colour of white, the lungs and large intestine and the emotion of grief and nostalgia.

Autumn is when the leaves on the trees change colour and fall to the ground. The leaves decompose and provide fertilisation for the ground in preparation for growth in Spring.  Similarly, our bodies want to slow down, giving us the time to reflect and let go of things and emotions and to restore our energy which has been consumed over Spring and Summer.

In the Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture textbook and according to Hicks, A  et al (2009)

“People with a healthy Metal Element can both feel loss and move on. They take the richness of life in order to feel satisfied and accept that when something is over they must let go.”

Perhaps you can start off by decluttering and removing things that no longer serve a purpose in your life. I personally have found Marie Kondo’s book Spark Joy very helpful in decluttering my wardrobe. Simply letting go of things that do not ‘spark joy’ enabled me to feel lighter and have the energy to focus on areas of my life that bring joy.

Autumn is drying and can cause symptoms of an itchy throat, dry nose, chapped lips, dry skin, hair loss, dry stools and respiratory conditions.

Now is the time to eat nourishing foods to increase our body fluids to counteract the drying effects of the Autumn season. Foods that will help are: Soybean, tofu, tempeh, spinach, barley, millet, pear, apple, persimmon, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon, loquat, seaweeds, black and white fungus, almond, pinenut, peanut, sesame seed, honey (cooked), barley, malt, rice syrup, milk and dairy products, eggs, clam crab, oyster, mussel, herring and pork.

It is a Chinese tradition to eat Congee (Chinese Rice Porridge) for breakfast and to serve a small bowl of  soup alongside dinner that is made with the above ingredients. So, get out your slow cooker and make a batch of nourishing bone broth using organic chicken, beef or pork bones.

A quick simple recipe to nourish your lung energy is Pear Tea. Keep an eye out for more lifestyle tips and recipes on our Facebook and Instagram page.

To find out how acupuncture can help you to better transition through the seasons,  please call Serena or Summer at Mei Ling Acupuncture & Natural Health Clinic on 04 499 9062, or you can book acupuncture online now.

Image Credit:
Photo byRyutaro TsukataPexels

